Articles in the Popular Press


"Think Different" HQ - September 2000.

The Inner Savant, Discover Magazine, January 22, 2002

'Experimental switch is a turn-on for the brain', The Weekend Australian, May 19-20, 2001.

"Turn Off Tune In"
New Scientist October 1999.

'Brain Research to Find That Moment of Genius', Sunday Times, July 15, 2001.

'Light research makes big prize', The Australian, October 31, 2001.

Marconi prize for optical genius, The Daily Telegraph, December 6, 2001
Rainman article
Autism may hold key to mastering maths. The Daily Telegraph London, March 22, 1999

Articles in 2002

Thursday, 18 April 'Thinking Cap or Dunce's Hat', Wired Magazine.

Wenesday, 17 April 'Reawakening the Creative Mind', BBC Website.

Thursday, 22 January The Inner Savant , Discover Magazine, Online

Articles in 2001

Monday, 10 December 'Prizewinner sees things differently', ABC Online

Friday, 7 December 'ANU scientist shares 2001 Marconi Prize in New York', Canberra Times

Thursday, 6 December 'Philadelphia native shares $100000 Marconi Award', Philadelphia Inquirer

Thursday, 6 December 'Marconi prize for optical genius', The Daily Telegraph, p26

Thursday, 6 December 'Marconi Fellows', The Australian Financial Review

Thursday, 6 December - Campus Review, p.21. Marconi Prize and Allan Snyder's research

'When scholars become service providers', The Sydney Morning Herald, November 15, 2001

Wednesday, October 31 Light research makes big prize', The Australian, October 31, 2001.

Sunday, July 15 'Brain Research to Find That Moment of Genius', Sunday Times.

Saturday/Sunday, May 19-20 'Experimental switch is a turn-on for the brain', The Weekend Australian.

Articles in 2000

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Sydney Morning Herald, page 3. 'Power of one captivates indigenous champions'. "Peace" Mandela explained, "is the greatest weapon in the world. And those people who uphold the cause of peace are the real champions of society, of the world."

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Sydney Morning Herald, page 12. 'A champion calls for a fair and equal race'.

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'The quest to find the makings of a champion led some of the world's best minds to pose the big questions in a series of panel discussions at a conference in Sydney yesterday.'

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Are there winning formulas?: Doing it tough gets the tough going best'. "Is any mountain too high, any valley too low? Setting dreams and overcoming adversity was the first subject under discussion at the Centre for the Mind's seminar, What Makes a Champion?, at Sydney University." "Anyone who has had life easy doesn't know what it is all about" (Pat O'Shane, Magistrate and University Chancellor).

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Who is responsible for success?: Key to attaining greatness is someone to look up to'. "It has become more apparent over the past two days that even champions need role models."

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Can you craft a champion?: Take equal parts nature and nurture...and mix carefully'. "Some of the world's most revered geniuses were high-school failures, but went on to achieve greatness through encouragement and support."

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Does the end justify the means?: Discord over the harmony of means and ends'. "How far will champions go to win? What risks will they take? Those were the questions posed to the second panel discussion at yesterday's conference."

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Honoured by degrees'. Mr Mandela was presented with honorary Doctor of Laws degrees by the University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney. Dame Leonie Kramer, Chancellor of the University of Sydney, said Mr Mandela was recognised as one of the most significant figures of the 20th century.

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Don't be afraid of long climb to reach your dream: Hillary'. "The conqueror of Everest began as a child who could not be bothered with brighter and more athletic peers but walked for hours, 'dreaming about adventure and the exciting things I'd like to do', Edmund Hillary said yesterday."

Tuesday, 5 September 2000 - The Australian, page 25. 'Nobel-winning scientist spells out what it takes to make it'. "Dr Doherty said champions were 'nonpareil', meaning peerless, or 'a small flat chocolate drop covered with butter.' 'Many of our champions are like that: extraordinary in one dimension but low key and even trivial in others. In short, real heroes are flawed and human.'"

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Age, front page. 'Mandela's Olympic plea: It is time to make a fairer world, says South Africa's former President'. "Mr Mandela was introduced by Prime Minister John Howard, who described him as a man who 'has made an impact of a scale that is unmatched in his generation, and in the eyes of many, in any generation.'"

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, front page. 'Mandela minds his words'. "Mr Mandela was greeted with rapturous applause from assembled luminaries including mountain climber Sir Edmund Hillary, Olympic legend Herb Elliott and Nobel Prize winning scientist Peter Doherty."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Sydney Morning Herald, front page. 'Touch of the hand that rocked the world'. "One of the most difficult things if not so much to change society," said this great changer of society, Nelson Mandela, "but to change ourselves".

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Canberra Times, front page. 'Mandela grace has greats in awe'. "A frail grey-haired man shuffled into the room to join luminaries, including Sir Edmund Hillary, Herb Elliott and Peter Doherty and immediately stole the limelight as applause enveloped him. The man was Nelson Mandela."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Age, page 2. 'How Nelson Mandela didn't meet his hero, The Don'. "The event's organiser, Allan Snyder, believes that we all have the potential. Think about that: you, too, could disarm the Iraqis, or climb the world's tallest mountain, or run 1500 metres faster than anybody else."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Herald Sun, page 2. 'Racial accord in our hands'.

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Daily Telegraph, page 3. 'A human treasure: Mandela captures loving audience'. "Grey-haired and imposing, Nelson Mandela was greeted yesterday as first among equals by perhaps the most imposing forum of high-profile personalities ever assembled in Australia."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'It takes more than physique to be a champion. A group of the world's best minds are putting their heads together in Sydney to define the other attributes for success.'

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'Stars of the arts believe character is the vital ingredient'. Interview with What Makes a Champion? participants Yvonne Kenny, Roger Woodward and Simon Tedeschi.

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'What Makes a Champion?'. Richard Butler, UN ambassador, Pat O'Shane, magistrate, Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Everest, Julie Hammer, most senior woman in the Australian Defence Force, Herb Elliott, athlete and businessman, and Peter Doherty, Nobel Prize winner, offer their thoughts on what makes a champion.

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'Mandela spreads magic spell'. "In Nelson Mandela's eyes, a true champion is a person who sets aside selfishness and enmity in favour of the collective good."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'Howard praises a hero of our time'. "It was appropriate and 'very Australian' that Sydney should host an intellectual inquiry on the eve of the Olympics delving into how champions came to be made in every field of endeavour, John Howard said yesterday."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'Olympian qualities under the microscope.' "As the world's finest athletes begin to stream into Sydney, Allan Snyder has assembled some of the greatest minds to examine what separates an Olympian from the average person."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'Elliott defends athletes in face of O'Shane claim'. Magistrate and Chancellor of the University of New England, Pat O'Shane, created controversy at the What Makes a Champion? event by suggesting that she would by surprised, "if there were any athletes who didn't use drugs." She said the issue of drugs in sport raised questions about the way in which societies were organised: "In particular, the role that money plays in sport as entertainment, and the emphasis that is placed on winning at all costs."

Monday, 4 September 2000 - The Australian, page 19. 'Exemplars of excellence'. "A who's who of distinguished Australian and overseas guests from the arts, academia, sport and business will gather at Sydney University today for the What Makes a Champion? seminar."

2-3 September, 2000 - The Weekend Australian, Review, page 2-3. 'Brains or Brawn: Who are our heroes?' "You don't have to serve, run or swim the fastest to be a champion, Fiona Harari writes, but in Australia it sure helps." According to Herb Elliott, "everybody who has risen to the top in their field of endeavour is a champion...our top businesspeople, our top artists, our top scientists, our top academics."

Friday, 1 September 2000 - The Australian. Article in the opinion section of The Australian newspaper, September 1st, entitled "Great Minds Think Big"

September 2000 The September issue of Golf Australia will feature an interview with Professor Allan Snyder on What Makes a Champion? in relation to golfing champions.

August 2000 The Weekend Australian will run an Olympics feature, including an interview with Professor Snyder and Herb Elliott.

August 2000 The August edition of ‘Boss’, the Australian Financial Review’s national monthly management magazine, will feature an interview with Herb Elliott by the editor, Helen Trinca.

August 2000 Hilton Happenings, a national publication, will run a story and photograph of Professor Allan Snyder in its August edition.

18 July 2000 An extensive article by Catherine Fox appeared in the Australian Financial Review, including an interview and photograph of Professor Snyder, details of the What Makes a Champion? event and its participants. See Brain joins Olympic Brawn.pdf

11 July 2000 Professor Allan Snyder interviewed by Catherine Fox from the Australian Financial Review, for an article focusing on the business elements of the What Makes a Champion? event, including the attending business ‘champions’ and delegates and what they will each contribute, what they will get out of it, the role of the intellectual partners and how their organisations will benefit.

11 July 2000 Professor Snyder was interviewed by Rod Morri for the September issue of Golf Australia. The article is to have a golf slant, referring to golfing champions in an exploration of What Makes a Champion?. See the September issue of Golf Australia for the full interview.

4 July 2000 Professor Snyder interviewed by Stephanie Peating from the Sydney Morning Herald for an article on the What Makes a Champion? event.

4 July 2000 Article in the Australian Financial Review (Nationally) on the What Makes a Champion? event by Andrew Burrell in the ‘Rear Window’ column.

3 July 2000 Professor Snyder interviewed by Bruce McDougall for stories for the Daily Telegraph, Courier-Mail, Adelaide Advertiser and the Herald-Sun.

25 June 2000 An article on Professor Snyder and the Centre for the Mind’s Creative Mind Prizes School Essay Competition appeared in the Canberra Times, entitled ‘Mind how you see life in its glory: Researchers trying to lift the mist from our brains’. The article also features an interview with Creative Mind Prizes winner, Anna Ougrinovskaia. To view the article

16 June 2000 A write-up on the What Makes a Champion? event is included in the ANU Reporter (page 3) and mention made (page 4) of Professor Snyder’s selection as one of 13 outstanding Australian scientists of the 20th Century for the Cavalcade of Australian Scientists as announced at the Tall Poppy Dinner 2000 in Melbourne. The Cavalcade recognises scientists spanning the 20th Century who have undertaken their major work in Australia.

14 June 2000 Professor Snyder’s book review ‘Mind your emotions’ appeared in the Australian Review of Books. To view the article

19 May 2000 The Age carries the story ‘Mandela to speak at local venue’.

19 May 2000 The Age includes a write-up of the Tall Poppy event, at which Professor Allan Snyder was one of 13 eminent Australian scientists honoured for their achievements. For more information on this event.

6 May 2000 The Sydney Morning Herald, in an article entitled ‘Grey matter: ages does bring wisdom’, quoted Allan Snyder on the non-conscious mind, and his belief that we could all have access to virtuoso talents if we could switch off consciousness.

8-9 April 2000 ‘Their Winning Ways’ appeared in the Weekend Australian. Professor Allan Snyder considers the essence of championship in the third of a series of occasional articles.To view the article in pdf format, click here.

31 March 2000 ‘Champion debate for clever country’ appeared in The Australian. The article outlines how Nelson Mandela is to head a "who’s who of international heavyweights" at the What Makes a Champion? event.

21 March 2000 The Australia’s IT section reviews the Centre for the Mind’s website asking "Besides brains and influence, what do Phillip Adams, Baz Luhrmann, Lachlan Murdoch and Professor Oliver Sacks have in common? They are all on, of course".

January 2000

On January 10th the Australian Financial Review published an article on Prof Allan Snyder of the Centre for the Mind and Jack Pettigrew, one of the key speakers at the Centre's conference on Geniuses, Prodigies & Savants. The article was entitled ‘The secret powers of the brain



Articles in 1999

December 1999

The Centre for the Mind's event on Geniuses, Prodigies & Savants attracts massive media attention, including:

PRINT: The Australian 4/12/99, Sunday Telegraph 5/12/99, The Advertiser (Adelaide) 6/12/99, The Age (national) 7/12/99, The Sydney Morning Herald 7/12/99, The Advertiser (Adelaide) 7/12/99, The Herald Sun (Melbourne) 7/12/99, The Australian 7/12/99.

‘Game, Mindset and Match’ Feature Article by Allan Snyder in The Weekend Australian, 4-5th December.

The Australian: Mind Bending

November 1999

‘The Genius Within’ Feature Article by Allan Snyder in The Australian, Friday November 12th.

August 1999

ANU Science 'wizards' including Allan Snyder acknowledged in new book. See article in the ANU reporter.

May 1999

Creative Mind Prizes (school competition-The winners announced) The winners were awarded the Centre for the Mind's Creative Minds medal and cash prizes by Triple J's Dr Karl Kruszelnicki at the finale to SCIFEST.

March 1999

Cover Story published by The Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, ‘Is integer arithmatic fundamental to mental processing?: The mind's secret arithmetic’ by Allan W. Snyder and D. John Mitchell.
What the Press said : Including the London Times and a Nature News and Views.